Every time a Locator is reported as lost, a Lost Locator record will generate. The record will show one of these reasons for why it became lost:
Sale - Assumed Drive-off
Sale - Assumed Drive-off
An Assumed Drive-off happens when we determine that a Locator left the lot with a customer who did not purchase that particular Locator. This is determined when:
There is a Vehicle Only sale and the Locator gets unpaired while reporting offsite.
A Locator is paired and has been reporting offsite for 15 consecutive days.
A Lost Locator record will automatically generate if a Locator is assumed to be a Drive-off, with the reason "Sale - Assumed Drive Off" and the Locator will be removed from your inventory.
Sale - Confirmed Drive-off
Sale - Confirmed Drive-off
You can manually mark a paired Locator as Lost when you select the Locator or the paired Vehicle in your inventory.
Once you mark either as lost, our system sells the paired Vehicle in a Vehicle Only sale, removes the Locator from your inventory, and creates a Lost Locator record.
From the Vehicles page:
From the Locators page:
When the Locator is deemed Lost, a record will be created with the reason "Sale - Confirmed Drive Off" and the Locator will be removed from your inventory.