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Why is my Locator considered Lost?
RecovR avatar
Written by RecovR
Updated over 4 months ago

Every time a Locator is reported as lost, a Lost Locator record will generate. The record will show one of these reasons for why it became lost:

Sale - Assumed Drive-off

An Assumed Drive-off happens when we determine that a Locator left the lot with a customer who did not purchase that particular Locator. This is determined when:

  • There is a Vehicle Only sale and the Locator gets unpaired while reporting offsite.

  • A Locator is paired and has been reporting offsite for 15 consecutive days.

A Lost Locator record will automatically generate if a Locator is assumed to be a Drive-off, with the reason "Sale - Assumed Drive Off" and the Locator will be removed from your inventory.

Sale - Confirmed Drive-off

You can manually mark a paired Locator as Lost when you select the Locator or the paired Vehicle in your inventory.

Once you mark either as lost, our system sells the paired Vehicle in a Vehicle Only sale, removes the Locator from your inventory, and creates a Lost Locator record.

From the Vehicles page:

From the Locators page:

When the Locator is deemed Lost, a record will be created with the reason "Sale - Confirmed Drive Off" and the Locator will be removed from your inventory.

Unpaired and Offsite Position

If an unpaired Locator reports two consecutive offsite positions, the Locator will be deemed as Lost. A Lost Locator record will be created with the reason "Unpaired and Offsite Position" and the Locator will be removed from your inventory.

Lost - Marked As Lost

An unpaired Locator will become lost if you manually select Mark As Lost from the Locators page.

When the Locator is marked Lost, a record will be created with the reason "Marked As Lost" and the Locator will be removed from your inventory.


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