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Why is my Locator considered Found?
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Written by RecovR
Updated over 5 months ago

When a Locator is no longer lost, you can see the Reason Found on the Lost Locator Record. There are three different reasons a locator can become Found.

Onsite Position - Reconciliation

You can reconcile a Lost Locator to force the locator to report its position to determine if it is back onsite at your dealership or at a Sister Location. If onsite, the locator will be marked as found with reason "Onsite Position - Reconciled".

Paired to a Vehicle

If a Locator that was previously lost is found and paired to a Vehicle, it will be marked as Found.

Marked As Found By RecovR

RecovR Support has the ability to manually mark a Locator as Found. This is not a frequent occurrence, but you might see it listed under Reason Found.


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