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Dashboards, Search, & Filter
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Written by RecovR
Updated over 9 months ago

Dashboard Options for Users

Many pages like Vehicles or Locators will have multiple options for users. This different views will showcase different information about a given list or item.



The sort feature allows you to sort any list to visualize the data in the order you are most interested in. Access the sort feature by opening the sort button found across the top of a page or in the top corner of a data viewer.


Sort options are based on the data type (numeric or alphanumeric). Data can be sorted by multiple fields at once (sort by this field, then this field, etc).

Depending on where the sort is applied controls its reach & behavior. Some data viewers have their own sort controls while others rely on the page-level sort.


In tables you can also use the table column menu to quickly apply a page-level sort for that attribute.


The filter features allow you to filter out items from a list of data according to conditions that you set. When an item is filtered out based on a condition, it is not deleted—it's just hidden from the particular view you're using to look at your table.


Users can filter any list to narrow down the results, including a list of devices on a group screen or the history of a device on an item screen. Users can build out conditional filters in the conditional filter builder, allowing for fine-tuned control over the data list.

Depending on where the filters are applied controls their reach & behavior. Some data viewers have their own sort & filter controls while others rely on the page-level conditions. Data viewers that allow for independent control can be set on a data viewer by data viewer basis as the dashboard page defaults to parent control.


If a user has added the table data viewer that shows a group list, they can use the table column menu to quickly apply a page-level filter for that attribute.

Filter Conditions

For each set of data, you can create filter conditions on the attributes of that data. A condition reads much like a sentence; the example above can be read as:

"On this page, show vehicles where their VIN is equal to 1234567."


Each Condition is made up of an:

  • Attribute: the attribute of the data you are filtering by

  • Operator: After selecting an attribute, choose an operator from the pre-populated dropdown menu.

    • Which filter operators are available is determined by the attribute type. For example, text fields will have filter operators like "contains," "does not contain," "is empty," or "is not empty"; number fields will have filter operators like "is greater than" or "is less than."

  • Value: This is the value you compare all of your data against— using the attribute you just specified.

Note that operators "is empty" and "is not empty" do not require you to input a value because the default value is empty.

Creating a Condition

To create a condition click the Add, and select Condition. (45).gif

When you are figuring out a new condition you'd like to create, we recommend stating the rule you'd like to set as a sentence first. For example you can make statements like:

"On this page, show [Vehicles] where all of the following are true:

[Make] [is equal to] [RecovR] AND [Year] [is greater than] [2020]."

Select an Attribute

Search for and select the attribute that you would like to filter by.


Select an Operator

Select the operator. Which filter operators are available is determined by the attribute type.


Input the Value

Input the value you compare all of your data against.


When you're done setting the condition's attribute, operator, and comparison value, if you are looking at a table you will notice that the column of that attribute is now shaded with a light blue color. This makes it more obvious that there's been a filter applied in the view you're currently using.


Quick Table Filters

Filters can also be quickly applied from the column in a table.


Applied filters can be seen, edited, and removed in both the column header and the advanced filter bar and will synchronously update in both places. Clicking the “Advanced Filter” will simply bring the user up to the advanced Filter bar.


Removing a Condition

You can remove a condition from a view by clicking on the trash can icon next to that condition. (46).gif

Conditions and Conjunctions

In any workflow, information requests are rarely as simple as, "Show me my vehicles." More often, questions are complex and investigatory, combining different variables (i.e., "show me my Hondas AND only show the ones in the front lot") or different priorities (i.e., "show me the Subarus OR any vehicle that is blue"). Using a combination of conditions is essential for filtering through your data to create valuable views.

This is where the ability to logically connect your conditions using a conjunction becomes invaluable.

Using conjunctions

You can logically connect conditions together, into a condition group, using conjunctions. The two conjunctions available are "And" & "Or":

  • You can use "And" when you want to show assets where all the following conditions in a group are true.

  • Otherwise, you can use "Or" where at least one of the following condition in a group is true.


On this page, show assets where all of the following are true

Ex: "show me my Hondas AND only show the ones in the front lot"


On this page, show assets where at least one of the following is true

Ex:"show me the Subarus OR any vehicle that is blue"

Toggling Between "AND" & "OR"

You can toggle the conjunction used in a group using the dropdown.


Multiple Conditions with the Same Attribute

There are times where you might need two conditions with the same attribute. Those can be added in the advanced filter bar. Once more than one condition is applied with the same attribute, the quick table filter for that attribute will direct the user to manage the filters in the advanced filter dropdown.


Rearranging Conditions

You can drag and drop conditions to rearrange them within the advanced filters.


Duplicating Conditions

You can duplicate a condition using the actions menu on the right side of the condition. (47).gif

Condition Groups

A condition group is a combination of conditions connected together with a conjunction. You can use conjunctions to combine and connect condition groups, and nest them within other condition groups.

Combining conditional groups allows you to start building more and more complex filters. For example, we can create a rule to “On this page show cows where, cows are female and older than 10 OR male and older than 15”:


Creating a Condition Group (48).gif

To create a condition click the Add, and select Condition Group. From here you can add conditions to that group.

Adding Existing Condition to Condition Group (49).gif

You can quickly move an existing condition to a new condition group using the actions menu on the right side of the condition. You can also drag and drop conditions into and out of groups.

Changing the Group’s Conjunction

Each group has its own conjunction that can be toggled between “AND” and “OR”.

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