Once you've successfully paired your Locator to a vehicle, the Locator will wake up to report the vehicle's position. Below are the different types of conditions that will cause vehicle position to get reported for the first time.
The Locator is double flipped, causing it to wake up and report its position.
The Locator wakes up once every hour while unpaired to check for new commands, like pairing. Due to this, the longest amount of time you will have to wait for a new vehicle position is 1 hour.
If any of the vehicles in the table are awaiting position updates, you will see a position pending pop-up in the bottom left-hand corner of the map. When you click on this box, a pop-up will appear indicating the number of vehicles awaiting position updates, as well as a link to the filtered view of the table containing only those position pending vehicles.
Once that locator reports a position, the associated vehicle will update its location icon and become visible on the map.