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Pair a Locator with a Vehicle

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RecovR avatar
Written by RecovR
Updated over 2 years ago

Pairing Video

Below video shows the pairing activity of locator to the vehicle.

Step 1: Enter Pairing Form

There are two ways to enter the pairing form:

  1. No Vehicle Selected: With no vehicle selected, you can enter the pairing form via the link icon next to the title on the vehicle page.

  2. Vehicle Selected: If vehicle is unpaired and on the dealer network, you can select it and directly perform the Pair Locator To Vehicle action to bring up the pairing form. The vehicle’s VIN will be automatically populated in the form.

Step 2: Selecting a Vehicle

If a vehicle has not been selected yet, you can choose to either search by VIN or scan the VIN barcode found in the driver-side door off most modern models. If the scanned/selected vehicle is...

  • Paired: If the selected or scanned vehicle is already paired to a locator, the user will see a screen alerting them to this and be able to view the current Locator ID & its install location. They can chose to override the current relationship and select this vehicle for pairing to a new locator.

  • Assigned to sister Location: If a vehicle scanned is assigned to a sister location, or a location at the same company, the user can move the vehicle to their current location and pair.

  • Assigned to a sister Location (and paired to a Locator there): If the vehicle scanned is at a sister location, the user can either move the vehicle & keep the existing locator paired, or move the vehicle & pair a new locator.

  • Not in the System: If the user inputs or scans a vehicle that is not in the system they can add it to the system using the create vehicle flow before proceeding with the pairing.

Step 3: Selecting a Locator

To select a Locator, the user can search for it by locator ID or scan the QR code that can be found on the back of the device. If the selected/scanned locator is...

  • Offline: Offline Locators can not be paired to new vehicles. A Locator is "offline" if it has not reported in the last 3 hours. If the Locator reports again, it will be allowed to be paired.

  • Unactivated: Unactivated locators cannot be paired to vehicles. Once the locator is activated by picking it up and flipping it upside-down and right-side up with your wrist and the system receives its first heartbeat within 60 minutes, the locator is ready for pairing.

  • Assigned to sister Location: If a locator scanned is assigned to a sister location, the user can move the Locator to their current location and pair.

Step 4: Locator Placement Notes

The locator placement notes are required. These notes are displayed to the user during the unpairing flow if the locator needs to be found and removed.

Step 5: Pair Locator to Vehicle

Now that your vehicle is paired, its locator will begin to forward location data to the vehicle. You can view this data on any vehicle page. If you've followed all the steps above and have been unable to successfully pair your locator, please contact Customer Support.

Locator Activation Demo

Scanning the VIN Barcode

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